martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

Exámen Parcial 3º Evaluación: Repaso - The Weather

What's the weather like?

1) De Fresquito a helado

- Quite cold, not cold or hot: It's Cool - Fresquito, ni frío ni calor.
- Umpleasantly cold: It's Chilly - Frío no agradable = Fresco
- Cold - Frío
- Freezing - Mucho frío (helado)
- The temperature is below zero - Temperatura bajo cero.

2) De templado a ardiendo

- Pleasant and not cold: It's mild - Temperatura templada, agradable y sin frío
- A pleasantly high temperature: Warm - Calentito, temperatura medianamente alta (agradable)
- It's hot - Caliente
- Unpleasantly hot: Scorching / Boiling - Ardiendo

3) De húmedo a muy lluvioso

- A bit wet but not raining: It's damp - Húmedo
- Raining lightly: It's drizzling - Lloviznas
- Short periods of rain: There are showers - Pequeñas lluvias
- It's raining - está lloviendo
- Raining a lot: I'ts pouring - Lluvias torrenciales

4) De brisa a vendabales

- A light wind: There's a breeze - Brisa
- It's windy: Hay viento
- Very strong winds: There are Gale forces - vendabales

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